Payment Options

You may pay your bill by:

Payment Drop Locations

A drive through night deposit box for making payments to OPU is located at the Business Office in the parking lot on the South side of the main building.

Other drop locations include:

  • HyVee Food Store Courtesy Counter
  • CashWise Foods Courtesy Counter
  • Lobby of Main Office (one inside the south entrance on the west wall and one by the elevator inside the east entrance)

Automatic Payment Plan

The Automatic Payment Plan is available for your convenience through our SmartHub portal. This convenient payment plan offers payment of your monthly bill through an electric wire transfer of funds from your bank account or credit card to OPU’s bank account on your due date. You will receive your monthly bill just as you always have, but you won’t have to drop off a payment or send in a check. Call us at (507) 451-2480 for more information. 

Automatic Payment Plan HELPS:

  • Save Time – Fewer Checks to Write
  • Save Postage
  • Meet commitments – even if you are out of town
  • Eliminate forfeited discounts

Budget Billing Plan

Budget billing allows customers to pay the same amount each month even though the actual bill may vary.


  • Twelve (12) months of service at your current address.
  • Utility bill must be current.

On or Off Plan

ON – Call 507-451-2480

OFF – A customer may request to be taken off budget billing at any time by calling the above number.  When budget billing is cancelled, the account balance becomes due.  If the account has a credit balance, it may be refunded to the customer at their request.

Payment Basics

The budget amount is based on the previous year’s average billing.  The customer is billed the same amount each month for one year.  The budget amount is adjusted annually so it may increase, decrease, or stay the same.