It is the policy of the Owatonna Public Utilities (OPU) to encourage the prompt payment of all utility bills so that the majority of the customers can enjoy a lower utility cost when the Utilities is able to recover their costs sooner. If payment is not received by the due date, the balance will be considered past due and subject to a 5% late fee that will be assessed on the subsequent bill.
- Bills for utility services will be rendered monthly.
- The term “monthly” for billing purposes will mean the period between any two consecutive readings of the meter. Such readings are to be taken as nearly as possible every 30 days.
- Failure to receive a bill does not exempt the customer from the provisions of these terms and conditions.
- When OPU is unable to read a meter after reasonable effort, the customer will be rendered an estimated bill. The subsequent billing will adjust any estimate previously billed.
- The customer shall receive a bill which shows the total net amount due for each commodity for each billing period..
- Payments are due within 21 days after the billing date.
- When bills are paid on or before the due date, no late fees will be assessed.
- When the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the next regular working day will be considered the due date..
- In order for a monthly billing payment to be considered on time, it must be received in the OPU business office on or before the due date. Postmarks will not be considered as proof of timely payment.
- The late fee shall be 5% of the current bill’s unpaid balance.
- Customer Service may reverse late fees in certain circumstances, at the discretion of the Supervisor, Customer Care.