Upgrading commercial lighting can save energy, improve light quality, and reduce maintenance costs. Lighting accounts for a significant portion (as much as 45%) of many businesses’ energy costs. Typically 10% of the cost for lighting is for the equipment and 90% is for the energy used over the life of the equipment — it pays to invest in efficient lighting systems.
OPU provides rebates for lighting retrofits to help reduce the upfront costs and improve the return on investment. With the rebates, many lighting projects have simple paybacks of around 3 years. Some lighting technologies have rebates available for new construction as well.
The Lighting Rebate Application requires the entry of a code for the existing equipment and another code for the new equipment. The codes along with the corresponding rebate amounts can be found in these tables:
The Interactive Lighting Rebate Application is in an Excel format and fills in the codes and rebate amounts when a user selects the applicable equipment from a pull-down menu. It also provides a financial investment analysis.