Compressed Air Leak Correction
Did you know that you could be losing 20-30% of your compressed air through leaks? Those leaks equate to lost revenue and higher energy costs for you!
If you are a customer that has at least 10 horsepower of air compressors that operate at least 2,000 hours per year, we can provide you the use of an ultrasonic leak detector for FREE to locate your leaks without shutting down your processes. The Ultraprobe® 3000 leak detector is easy to use and comes with instructions that show you how to use the detector to locate leaks.
Air leaks can often be corrected as they are located, so you can begin saving energy and money immediately. After locating your leaks, the software (included) will provide a detailed report showing how much you can save by fixing each leak. View the instructions for conducting your own compressed air leak survey.
Request a compressed air leak survey by emailing OPU’s Energy Conservation department.

Compressed Air System Efficiency Upgrades
Compressed air is the most expensive utility in a plant. Significant savings can be realized through upgrade projects such as variable speed compressors, compressor controls, and demand reduction. View the rebate form here.