Meter Location

Our Meter Location policy provides for grouping of the utility service points on a new residence to one general area and to optimize service line lengths. This policy will facilitate efficient meter reading and reduced exposure of service lines on residential properties. The electric service line to the point of service is owned and maintained by O.P.U.  The water meter location must be in an indoor location that is accessible for maintenance and protected from freezing.  A remote reading meter will be installed near gas and/or electric meters.

The physical location of the O.P.U.’s meters is to be considered as the “Point of Service”. The location of the point of service for residential services for all new homes shall be determined by O.P.U. personnel. In general, the location would be an acceptable point of service on the customer’s building or structure nearest the point in the street or easement from which the property will be served.

In general, the gas meter must have at least three (3) feet of clearance from any fresh air intake, exhaust outlets, windows that can open, doors, air conditioners and associated electrical connections and the electric meter. No meters are to be installed under decks or in areas that could be enclosed in the future. Preferred location is on the side of the building that is least likely to be inside of a fenced area.

Temporary Electric Services

Service to any electrical installation for a period of less than two (2)  years shall be considered as “temporary electric service”.

Temporary electric service is available provided the customer pays a fee for installing and removing the facilities required to provide the requested service.

The fee for temporary service shall include all installation and removal costs in accordance with the rates shown below plus any non-recoverable material costs.

1. Standard 120/240 volt single-phase electric service connected directly from existing permanent electrical facilities (no spans, poles, transformers) $100.00
2. All other temporary services Contact OPU Engineering

All above charges are subject to applicable State and City taxes.

Electric Service and Line Extension Fees

The electric line extension fees are to be charged to recover a portion of the costs associated with the installation of new or modified service connections, including modifications to the 12.5 kV or 7.2 kV electric distribution system.  This fee is charged and due prior to the facilities being installed into the development.

Residential electric service fees are to be charged for the connection of a new electrical service to the distribution system.  The service fee is collected to recover a portion of the installation of an individual service and a port of the installation of overhead or underground 12.5 kV or 7.2 kV distribution systems.  This fee is charged and due prior to the installation of the new service.

Street lighting installation fees are charged to recover the cost associated with the installation of new street lighting as may be required for public safety.

Residential Service (single family/townhome) $500.00 per service
Residential Development Line Extension (single family/townhome lots) $500.00 per lot
Residential Development Street Lighting Installation Fee $500.00 per light
Commercial/Industrial Line Extension/Modifications (including multi-family developments 50% of estimated costs
Other Street Lighting Installations 100% of estimated costs

All above charges are subject to applicable State and City taxes and are due prior to the installation of new facilities or service.

Natural Gas Service and Connection Fees

All gas service lines to properties not previously served by OPU shall be installed by OPU or its contractor. The service line will be paid for by the property owner in advance of construction and after construction will become the property of OPU and will be operated, maintained and replaced as needed by OPU at OPU’s expense.

The amount to be paid by the property owner shall be based on the size and length of the line and is to recover the cost of labor, equipment, and material connected with the installation. This shall also include cost of inspection, mapping and record-keeping.

The gas service line includes all pipe, fittings, equipment (other than regulator and meter) from the gas main to the outlet of the customer meter. All pipe, fittings, equipment beyond the meter outlet are the sole responsibility of the property owner.

Effective 2/99, if your Residential service exceeds 12 PSI, OPU will install an Excess Flow Valve (EFV). The EFV is designed to reduce the uncontrolled release of gas in the event of a hit on the gas service line. This is provided at no additional cost.


DESCRIPTION Service Pipe Size
5/8″ 1″ 2″
Installation up to 70′ from property line to building $900.00 $1,000.00 Contact OPU
Add for footage over 70′ $1.00/ft. $1.00/ft.
Add for larger meter set (675-1000 cu.ft.) $50.00 $50.00
Add for by-pass meter set (3000 cu.ft. & larger) N/A $1,500.00

Charges for services larger than 2″ will be individually calculated at time of application.

All above charges are subject to applicable State and City sales taxes.

Water System Access Charges

The Water System Access Fee is to be charged for the connection of all new water services to the distribution system of Owatonna Public Utilities.

The purpose of this charge is to recover part of those capital costs associated with the addition of new services to the water system. The facilities which must be expanded as a result of the addition of services are the reservoirs, pumping equipment, fire hydrants, feeder lines and distribution lines not covered by assessments.

Billing and Collection

The Water System Access Fee must be paid prior to tapping the water main or the extension of a water service from an existing water service stub at the curb stop. Applicable tapping and/or connect fee shall also be collected at that time (see policy 403.21).

The Water System Access Fees collected are restricted for use in making facilities expansion to meet capacity requirements to serve additional customers. Funds are not to be used for current year operating expenses.

Fee Schedule

Description Effective 06/01/2022
Residential, Single Family, per lot $1,250.00
Residential, Multi-Family, per unit $1,000.00
Commercial/Industrial (Meter Size)
1 inch or smaller $4,188.00
1-1/2 inch $8,375.00
2 inch $13,400.00
3 inch $25,125.00
4 inch $41,875.00
6 inch $83,750.00
8 inch $134,000.00
Large Fire Protection Service, per Building Square Foot $0.08

All commercial and industrial charges above are subject to applicable State and City taxes.


Residential, Single Family – The Water System Access Fee for single family residential lots is charged per lot.

Residential, Multi-Family – The Water System Access Fee for multi-family residential units is charged per housing unit.

Commercial, Small – The Water System Access Fee for small commercial locations is charged per service location. A commercial unit is defined as a small unit if the required water meter size to serve the business is 1″ or smaller and does not require a fire sprinkler system.

Commercial, Large – The Water System Access Fee for large commercial locations is charged per service location. A commercial unit is defined as a large unit if the required water meter size to serve the business is 1-1/2″ or larger or if the location requires a fire sprinkler system.

Industrial, Small – The Water System Access Fee for industrial businesses is charged per service location. An industrial location unit is defined as small if the required water meter size to sere the business is up to 1-1/2″ in size and does not require a fire sprinkler system.

Industrial, Medium – The Water System Access Fee for industrial businesses is charged per service location. An industrial location unit is defined as medium if the required water meter size to serve the business is 2″ to 3″ in size or if the location requires a fire sprinkler system with a service up to 6″ in size.

Industrial, Large – The Water System Access Fee for industrial businesses is charged per service location. An industrial large unit is defined as large if the required water meter size to serve the business is 4″ or larger in size or if the location requires a fire sprinkler system with a service 8″ or larger in size.

Water Tapping Inspection Fee

All water taps on the Owatonna Public Utilities’ water system must have an inspection permit issued by the Owatonna Public Utilities.  The inspection permit shall be taken out at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled time of the tap.  The inspection permit will not be issued until the applicable inspection fee has been paid.

A water tapping inspection fee will be charged as listed below.  The fee is charged to cover present and future costs to the Owatonna Public Utilities including:  inspection, documentation and other overhead expenses.

The inspection fee does not include installation costs or materials.  All materials and installation costs are the customer’s/contractor’s responsibility.

All tapping materials and procedures must conform to current OPU Water Main Material and Installation Specifications.  All water taps shall be completed by a licensed pipe layer or plumber.

Tapping Fees

Tapping performed by: Size Cost
Plumber All Sizes $150

Tapping fees are subject to applicable State and City sales tax.