by: Mark Fritsch, General Manager
What sets organizations and businesses apart? It’s not the equipment, tools, or facilities; it is the employees. Businesses can obtain the same equipment but they can’t obtain the same employee attitudes, behaviors and outcomes in terms of employee engagement. That needs to be developed, supported and encouraged. OPU’s employees’ engagement and performance is much better than other utilities with which I’ve been involved. This high level of engagement and performance has allowed us to get more work done with less people year after year. In 1993 there were 85 employees. Today we are at 55. In the last two years we have been able to reduce our operations and maintenance budget, helping keep rates low.
The employees that make this possible are dedicated and proud of OPU and the community. They are your family, friends, and neighbors. Many are involved in civic organizations, and volunteering. Some of our employees work directly with customers and are more known, but there are other positions, behind the scenes, that are vitally important but don’t get recognized nearly enough. I want to take this opportunity in our newsletter to highlight the people behind the scenes that make it possible for the water to flow when you open the faucet, the lights to come on when you flick the switch, and the furnace to warm you when you turn up the thermostat.
Starting with this issue the Employee Spotlight will be a regular feature of our newsletter. Each month we will recognize one of our employees with a short write-up so that you can learn a little more about the people that are dedicated to providing you with reliable and affordable utility services. We felt it was appropriate to begin with our most tenured employee, Marge Madson. Marge is the Manager of Human Resources, Safety, Risk and Loss Control. She is one of the most talented HR specialists I’ve worked with. Her almost photographic memory and knowledge of Owatonna and its citizens is an incredible resource for OPU.
I’ve been privileged to work with and get to know this highly engaged group of people. I hope that you will appreciate learning more about our employees, just as I have.