by: Jenny Heimerman, Supervisor, Customer Care
The customer service area at the newly repurposed Owatonna Public Utilities is exceptional; we hope you find the service to be the same. My name is Jenny Heimerman and I started as the supervisor in the OPU Customer Service Department in June.
I’m excited to bring 17 years of customer service experience to the utility business and learn more about what’s important to you, our customer. I’ve held a number of positions in my career and have worked closely with a wide range of customers. I have a passion for continuous improvement and taking care of customers. Since OPU is committed to high quality and affordable services and, most importantly, their customers I knew it would be a great fit for me.
I reside in Blooming Prairie, where I grew up and I’ve worked in Owatonna for a number of years. Owatonna has a diversity of businesses and people with a strong work ethic. I’m proud to be a part of the ever changing environment.
In an effort to maintain and continually improve the overall customer experience, we reach out to the community through an annual customer satisfaction survey. This survey is conducted by phone and has reached 350+ OPU customers. In reviewing the results, the survey lists great things the community has to say about OPU, along with opportunities for improvement. The results have helped OPU develop key goals and continue the overall mission of delivering excellence.
In addition to the annual survey, it’s important that we understand how we’re doing in every interactions with our customers, so a new survey has been added to our website at www.owatonnautilities.com\customersurvey. This short, six question, survey will give customers an opportunity to provide us with immediate feedback about your experience via phone, a visit to our office or email. I invite you to jump on the site and try out the survey today!
Along with the new survey, the website is full of features that are convenient and easy to use. Simply create a user name and password and you’ll be able to pay your bill, as well as view payment and consumption history. The application to complete when moving or beginning service has recently been updated and can be found on the site. Rebate information and forms can be downloaded and mailed into our office or dropped off at any time, it’s a great way to save you money and help the environment. Information about safety, residential programs, conservation tips and more can all be found on the site at www.owatonnautilities.com.
Overall, it’s important we not only meet your expectations, but exceed your expectations. Please feel free to contact me at any time for any reason.