Lead Service Line Replacement Program
Owatonna Public Utilities (OPU) is dedicated to providing safe, high-quality water to our community. Following updated regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Minnesota Department of Health, all water systems, including ours, must now comply with stricter rules to identify and inform residents about the service line materials used in their homes or businesses.
We have completed and submitted our comprehensive service line inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. This inventory is publicly accessible, and you can check the materials of your service line using the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT). If you have questions or need more information, please contact us at opuwater@owatonnautilities.com. Our inventory currently shows: 1 lead line, 40 galvanized lines requiring replacement, 243 lines with unknown materials, and 19,594 non-lead lines.
To meet these requirements, OPU sent letters to customers whose properties have lead, galvanized, or unknown service lines that need further identification or replacement. As a follow up to those letters, if you receive a door hanger like the one shown here to the left, please take a minute to scan the QR code and complete the short survey. You can also click here to take the survey.
OPU has been working diligently on this project and will continue to update the community as we strive to ensure the highest water quality now and for generations to come. For more detailed information on the Lead Service Line Replacement program, visit the MN Department of Health’s website.
Who Pays for Service Line Replacement?
Thanks to federal and state funds, lead service line replacement is available at no cost to the resident or homeowner. If you suspect you have a lead service line, email us at opuwater@owatonnautilities.com to learn about the next steps in the process of lead service line removal and replacement.
A service line is the pipe connecting the water main to the interior plumbing in a building. A lead service line is a service line made from lead or one which has lead components.

The water service line comes out of the ground in your basement and has a meter attached to it. Use this image to locate the area to photograph for the survey.


LEAD: a dull, silver colored pipe that can be easily scratched with a coin or key. Scratching leaves a shiny silver color. Magnets WILL NOT stick to lead pipes. Lead pipes are bendable and commonly have a “bulb”.

GALVANIZED IRON: A dull, silver colored pipe that is hard to scratch with a coin or key. Scratching leaves a dull gray color. A magnet WILL stick to a galvanized iron pipe.

COPPER: Brown colored pipe that can be easily scratched with a coin or key. Scratching leaves a copper color. Magnets WILL NOT stick to copper pipes.

PLASTIC: Generally white, black or blue piping. Plastic piping is rigid. A magnet WILL NOT stick to plastic pipe.
What We Need From You:
If we do not have current information regarding the material type of your water service line, we will need to conduct an inspection of the service line to update our records, and ensure compliance with the new regulations. This inspection is free and will help us determine if the service line contains lead or other materials of concern.
How to Schedule Your Free Inspection?
Please contact us at opuwater@owatonnautilities.com to set up an appointment. If you already know the material of your water service line, or believe our records are incorrect, feel free to share that information with us via email.
Where Can I Check My Water Service Line?
Visit the Minnesota Department of Health and University of Minnesota’s interactive map. It shows service line material by address.